Providing Professional Notarial Services

Services times / Out Office Hours
We are committed to provide a service to all clients (Individuals and Corporate Clients). In addition to appointments made in office hours, we can also arrange an appointment out of office hours.
Tel: 01902 276923
Mobile: 07956129709
(Text / Whatsapp)
Website: www.singhtuttnotarypublic.com
Weekend & Bank Holidays
Weekend and Bank Holiday appointments can be arranged.
Christmas and New Year Openings
We will try and deal with all urgent instructions during the festive period.
Please click here to locate and contact us.
Mobile Notary Service
If your have mobility or health issues, we can visit you to attend upon you, take instructions, and if required, draft and notarise a a document. We can visit your home, at hospitals or care homes. Please click here to contact us for more information.
Introducing the Notary Public
SINGH TUTT NOTARY PUBLIC is a trading name for L.S. TUTT. L.S Tutt is a qualified solicitor and a Notary Public (a member of the Notaries Society) whose qualifications are:-
LLB (Hons) Business Law
MA Business Law
Solicitor (The notarial practice is separate from any solicitor’s work)
Notary Public (A member of the Notaries Society)
Mr L.S Tutt has also substantial experience in the legal field, having expertise in commercial/residential property conveyancing, matters relating to wills and probate, court matters and as a duty solicitor, In addition he is able to communicate in the English, Punjabi and Hindi languages.
​What is a Notary?
A Notary Public is often a qualified lawyer - a member of the third and oldest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales. A Notary Public is appointed by the Court of Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury and is subject to regulation by the Master of the Faculties.
Why a Notary?
It is almost always the case that you have been asked to see a notary because you have a document that needs to be used abroad. Seeing a notary is never a mere rubber-stamping exercise. The international duty of a Notary involves a high standard of care. This is not only towards the client but also to anyone who may rely on the document and to Governments or officials of other countries. These people are entitled to assume that a Notary will ensure full compliance with the relevant requirements both here and abroad; and to rely on the Notary's register and records. Great care is essential at every stage to minimise the risks of errors, omissions, alterations, fraud, forgery, money laundering, the use of false identity, and so on.
I offer appointments during business hours and occasionally outside of business hours in exceptional circumstances. I am also prepared to make home visits or visit corporate clients at their place of business. If the notarial appointments take place outside of my office, I will make an additional charge to cover travelling time and expenses. Occasionally I may not be able to see you within the timeframe you require, or I may decide that I am not able to act for you in which case I will advise you that that is the case and will provide you with the necessary information to locate an alternative notary.
The functions of a Notary
Notaries are primarily concerned with the authentication and certification of signatures, authority and capacity relating to documents for use abroad and for this country. They are also authorised to conduct general legal practice such as conveyancing, wills and probate.
The majority of Notaries Public also practise as solicitors.
What do Notaries Do?
Documents which require a notary are many and include:
Prepare and authenticate powers of attorney for use overseas
Deal with purchase or sale of land and property abroad
Authenticate documents or make declarations as to marriage or to work abroad, including authentication of professional and educational qualifications and preparation of capacity to marry via statutory declaration or oath
Authenticate company and business documents and transactions for foreign contracts or the formation of foreign subsidiary companies
Deal with documents relating to foreign wills and estate administration
​The Faculty Office
This Notarial Practice is regulated by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.