Singh Tutt Notary Public has extensive experience in providing notarial services for business. We shall endeavour to deal with your matter as efficiently as possible and we are more than aware that you will often be under time constraints and may need to get your papers notarised as a matter of urgency. We are conversant in English, Punjabi and the Hindi languages.
We can also accommodate for individuals with mobility or health issues, offering home visits, attendance at hospitals and care homes.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch and discuss your requirements. You can click here to email us, view our contact details or our location.
Our list of services which include the following is not exhaustive, please note that we do offer many type of services and we can notarise other kinds of documents also. Please contact us and let us known if there are other documents which you require to be notarised which are not listed below.
Notarising the execution of Powers of Attorney on behalf of a company, LLP or other trading medium
Notarising certificates of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association of UK Companies
Company Certificates of Good Standing
Providing Certified Copies of Company Resolutions, Minutes, Reports and other Company Documents
Certification of the identity of Directors, Company Secretaries or other company officers
International Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Sworn Statements and Despositions
Notarising the Execution of Commercial Contracts
Authenticating documents to assist in the opening of Corporate Branch offices or Bank Accounts in or outside of the United Kingdom
Notarising Commercial Mortgages for International Finance
Providing Certificates to authenticate intellectual property rights
Documents in relation to adoption and marriage abroad.
Notarising statements in support of Copyright infringement
Assignments or registration of trademarks
Apostille and Legalisation Service
Witnessing a Power of Attorney
Affidavits, statutory declarations and sworn statements
Share issues certified by a notary public
Property transactions, transfers, purchases, sales
Any other document for abroad, which require a notary public stamp
If a document is to be signed by you on behalf of a company, a partnership, a charity, club or other incorporated body, there are further requirements on which I may have to insist. Please be prepared for these and telephone with any point of difficulty before attending on the appointment.
In each case:
Evidence of identity of the authorised signatory (as listed below).
A copy of the current letterhead (showing the registered office if it is a company).
A Letter of Authority, Minute, Resolution or Power of Attorney, authorising you to sign the document.
Additionally, companies: Certificate of Incorporation and of any Change of Name, a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Details of Directors and Secretaries. In all instances, I will be carrying out various company searches, which may have an effect on the level of fees charged.
Additionally, partnerships, clubs, etc.: A Partnership Agreement; or relevant Trust Deed; or Charter; or Constitution/Rules.
Notaries are required to keep evidence on their files of the identity and the address of all their clients before they undertake any services.
Each person whose signature they are to certify must provide one of the following original identification documents at the time of the appointment.
A valid passport
A valid driving licence (with photo card)
A valid armed forces pass (with photo and signature)
A current government or police issue certificate (with photo and signature)
A valid residence permit
If you do not have the above documents, you will have to ask the notary to advise you on how best to prove who you are.
In addition, the notary shall require proof of residence, which can be one of the following original documents:
Bank statement or letter from bank
Proof of postal address, ie Utility bill or council tax bill
(Note: Any items which are online printouts are not accepted)
Inland revenue tax demand or self-assessment statement
For corporate/business clients, notaries will (in addition to checking your personal identity) need to establish that the company or organisation which you represent actually exists and in many cases that you are authorised to represent that company or organisation. In the case of companies or organisations based in the United Kingdom, the notary will generally conduct his own checks to satisfy himself that the company or organisation exists. In some cases (particularly for companies or organisations established overseas) the notary public may ask you to produce certain documents. These might include:
Certificate of incorporation
Extract from the company register
Certificate of Good Standing
Latest report and audited accounts
Up to date certified copy of partnership agreement
Evidence of being regulated by a regulatory body such as the Financial Services Authority or The Law Society.
​If the notary has to certify your authority to represent a company or organisation, additional documentation will be requested, for example:-
Constitutional documents (e.g. memorandum and articles of association)
Power of Attorney
Board Resolutions
Authorised signatory authority
Your notary will be happy to advise exactly what will be required in any particular case. Additional information may be required when we are acting for business clients. This is to ensure that a company check can be performed.